Thursday, 27 August 2015

Finally in Madagascar!

So I finally arrived in Madagascar early yesterday morning and after a good sleep I woke up finally at 11 am! Once I was finally up and wake I left my room to meet a few others that were also at my hostel that were going to serve with Mercy Ships! After meeting them all we finally had lunch around two and then decided to go for a walk around the capital! After walking for ten minutes we realized that the store we were looking for, shoprite, was a lot further away than we thought, so we caught a rusty old cab to shoprite instead! When we finally arrived at shoprite and we were browsing through the store the power all of the sudden went off! Apparently that happens quite often so everyone was pretty casual about the whole ordeal. Once we finally got back to the home we were staying in we met two more women from Mercy Ship that actually arrive on the same flight as me, but when they arrived at the airport they couldn't find the Mercy Ship coordinator who was there to pick us up so they actually went on their own to find a hotel and meet up with Mercy Ship coordinators the next morning! Then finally we got wifi, so I was able to let my family know that I made it here safe and sound! And that was about the extent of my first day in Madagascar!


  1. Hi Emma! Glad to see you arrived safely, and even treated us to a picture! How's the jet lag?

    1. I luckily didn't actually have any real jet lag!!

  2. Finally happy we made it on your website finally! Finally we can stay updated and finally let you know how much we love you! Ah, finally!
    -Kaitlyn & Melanie-

    p.s. Too bad our fridge finally broke. Maybe they'll FINALLY buy a new one ;)
